eCommerce businesses have an ongoing burden to create, share, and manage large volumes of digital content to attract and maintain traffic as well as drive conversions. It takes well-coordinated people, processes, and technology to deliver all that content at just the right time across channels, domains, and platforms. We refer to this process as Content Operations (ContentOps). 

When eCommerce companies get it right, they have Conductors who orchestrate content so business runs smoothly. But for a lot of companies this role is missing - and their content strategy and content marketing suffer. We help customers establish the Conductor role and improve content delivery through content operations. Content Ops helps strategy, marketing, and eCommerce teams to bring the brand to life.

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Improved Content Quality

Although teams can create content without clear systems and processes, Content Operations ensures that each asset is high-quality, highlights products and services accurately, and provides customer value. 

Just-in-Time Publishing

In digital marketplaces, timing is everything. Producing content efficiently can make or break your shop’s success and ultimately, your customers’ experience. Shoppers want relevant, accessible content that’s easy to consume, comprehensive, and addresses common buyer concerns or questions. 

Technical Agility

Responding to market changes quickly with relevant content demonstrates brand value and helps build trust with customers. Content Operations technologies enable last-minute content additions or changes — even content from partners — without sacrificing the editorial schedule or falling behind on trends. Using microservices to deliver content to applications is one way to make content more available, and with this approach it’s easy to modify content through API-calls.


Internal product, marketing and content teams typically handle research and content creation projects. However, they may also call upon subject matter experts (SMEs) from other departments for help from time-to-time. ContentOps encourages SMEs to contribute to content efforts by defining a transparent collaboration model that saves time, money, and effort without compromising quality or delivery. 


Content governance establishes how organizations create and publish content, including replicable standards for workflow, approval and publishing across projects and teams. Governance can include style, accessibility, editorial and brand guides to align all people who make content assets. This not only ensures visibility to a master library of assets — a single source truth for brand content.

Measure Performance

Accurately determine how well content performs by establishing clear success criteria for content processes. Content Operations technologies measures how much content an ecosystem demands, assets created, content gaps, publishing efficiency, and how customers respond to it. Clear analytics and feedback ratings from consumers help brands determine where they need to improve or double-down efforts.

Putting It All Together

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ContentOps is an agile, comprehensive approach to content with consideration for far more than just content production. Modern Content Operations bakes-in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), accessibility, personalization, automation, legal or regulatory compliances and more. Employing this approach gets brands ahead of problems. Effective ContentOps also breaks down silos getting everyone working as a cohesive team behind a unified CMS. 

The right Conductors and Content Operations makes everything content-related within an organization possible. Reach out to Sarah Falcon, VP of Marketing, Object Edge, to learn more about ContentOps for eCommerce.

About the Author

Blue dotted circleSarah Falcon

Sarah Falcon

VP, Marketing Global

Sarah is a nimble and creative marketing leader with 15 years of experience in a mix of agencies, B2B, and B2C enterprises. She brings a background in building and driving impactful marketing practices and processes for growing businesses. Sarah has expertise in brand, content marketing, lead generation, and marketing operations. She’s a co-author of the 2019 book on B2B eCommerce Digital Branch Secrets: eCommerce Playbook for Distributors.

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