The subscription eCommerce market has grown by more than 100% annually since 2013. This makes it an incredibly lucrative option for enterprises. Indeed, subscription services currently clock in at a calculated $10 billion in sales.

The Demand for Subscriptions graphic

In an era where customers prize ease and convenience, subscriptions are an increasingly common way to buy products and services online.

According to McKinsey research, more than 15% of online shoppers have signed up for one or more eCommerce subscription products at some point.

For enterprises that are considering subscriptions, Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) provides a foundation for enabling this tool.

How Oracle CPQ is the Foundation for Subscriptions

For B2B businesses in particular, there are often complex configurations that occur behind-the-scenes of customer service.

Companies that are still utilizing an ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning system, (or even worse, spreadsheets!), to manage these configurations have no way to enable subscriptions sustainably.

There are too many variables at play and far too large a margin for error. CPQ solutions give enterprises a way to move complex configurations and pricing out of older systems and into modern tools designed to automate these B2B subscription processes and easily scale as the business grows and needs evolve.

As an added bonus, Oracle CPQ has specific add-ons for subscriptions that sit right on top of your CPQ solution. This makes it particularly simple to launch subscriptions at any time, without increasing the workload or adding onto your business processes.

With the demand for subscriptions growing, and the benefits to your business significant, now is the time to consider moving to CPQ. 
Not sure where to begin? Reach out to the team at Object Edge.

About the Author

Blue dotted circleSarah Falcon

Sarah Falcon

VP, Marketing Global

Sarah is a nimble and creative marketing leader with 15 years of experience in a mix of agencies, B2B, and B2C enterprises. She brings a background in building and driving impactful marketing practices and processes for growing businesses. Sarah has expertise in brand, content marketing, lead generation, and marketing operations. She’s a co-author of the 2019 book on B2B eCommerce Digital Branch Secrets: eCommerce Playbook for Distributors.

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