Data-centric organizations drive revenue success by prioritizing master data management and integration, as well as operability within the organization. These core capabilities serve as the playbook for how the rest of the technologies will work together to achieve business goals. 

A data-driven, forward-thinking approach ensures that organizations have the flexibility and extensibility to address future data challenges. We think of data and revenue alignment in two key ways:

  • data governance: a defensive role in ensuring data quality
  • data optimization:  aligns data activities with commercial results such as revenue lifecycle management.

Successful B2B organizations are data-centric, meaning they have a strong focus on utilizing data to drive business results. These organizations have a data-related function that goes beyond governance and into producing tangible business outcomes. By leveraging data to make informed decisions and drive revenue growth, these organizations stand out in the competitive business landscape.

Industry Benchmarking

So where do businesses start? We recommend starting with industry benchmarks. Industry benchmarks provide a valuable reference point for businesses to measure themselves against and understand where they stand in comparison to competitors.

Elevate revenue lifecycle management strategy

Elevating revenue lifecycle management strategy is crucial for businesses to achieve sustainable growth and success in today's competitive market. 

It’s also critical to understand how each job at your business impacts revenue. Your employees need to understand how their roles contribute to the overall revenue generation of the organization. This understanding can help align individual goals with revenue generation objectives and drive collective success.

By integrating revenue lifecycle management into core corporate missions and goals, aligning OKRs with revenue generation objectives, benchmarking against competitors, and focusing on specific initiatives to pilot and drive internal success.

One key aspect of elevating revenue lifecycle management strategy is recognizing it as puzzle pieces that need to be aligned and optimized to make the overall process as effective as possible. Each aspect of revenue lifecycle management, from customer acquisition to retention and increasing purchase size, should be viewed as interconnected puzzle pieces that need to be addressed holistically. By focusing on improving each puzzle piece while keeping an eye on how they connect to the next step, businesses can ensure that their revenue lifecycle management strategy is cohesive and effective.

Data-Driven Revenue Decisions

By leveraging analytics and insights, businesses can identify areas of deficiency, benchmark against competitors, and make informed decisions to drive revenue generation. Data-centric organizations have the advantage of better understanding their customers, optimizing processes, and ultimately driving revenue success.

About the Author

Blue dotted circleVinny Maurici

Vinny Maurici

VP of Data Engineering

As Vice President of Data Engineering, Vinny is accountable for the growth, success and thought leadership of the Data Management business at Object Edge. He brings 15+ years of master data, merchandising, and governance experience; and has launched several successful enterprise and Fortune 500 global product data programs in B2B Manufacturing and Distribution, Retail, and Food Services.

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