The hiring landscape is continually evolving. This is especially true in the current climate as so many companies are reaching out to make new hires in the face of steep competition–and unprecedented change. Object Edge has continued to have success in building a strong team, but this has required redesigning workplace expectations and becoming educated on exactly what potential employees are looking for.

While previously it may have been unthinkable to imagine working from home full-time or refiguring the typical nine to five, the pandemic jolted millions of individuals into new work dynamics unexpectedly, with little to no experience in handling a multitude of accompanying details. Most managers and their teams suddenly found themselves dealing with strange headwinds in a makeshift remote environment. 

The playing field transformed swiftly and dramatically, affecting the majority of businesses and employees in the US, and globally. It would have been impossible to anticipate all the restrictions and challenges that accompanied the pandemic, just as few could have predicted the hiring challenges to come.

Now, remote work has evolved into an organized system to include quality virtual meetings, seamless project management systems, and ease in sharing files and communicating. An industry survey showed that employees were happy and engaged with remote work almost immediately, and that included enjoying a “stronger sense of well-being than those in non-remote jobs with little flexibility.”  

The modern, virtual office is not only becoming streamlined, but successful. It is clear that for companies working to strengthen their current teams as well as bringing on new members, there are unprecedented challenges; however, this is also a great opportunity to frame the employee experience in myriad new ways at Object Edge, as well as embracing new perspectives in hiring.

The Object Edge team has adapted to flexible schedules, different time zones, and an environment that promotes remote-first hiring as a reflection of what today’s professionals want. This means making adjustments for new and existing employees whether they are working on another coast, or from another country. Creating and empowering a great team means being inclusive and diverse, and connecting with a global work pool that helps us find everyone we need to meet the needs of Object Edge for the long term.

About the Author

Blue dotted circleVanessa Posso

Vanessa Posso

Tech Lead Recruiter

Vanessa is a Talent Acquisition Advisor with 13 years of experience, focusing on R&S for IT and BPS. She always looking for new TAG processes, improve and innovate to create an amazing experience for the candidate and business.

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