Oracle Customer Experience (CX) is making waves in the eCommerce space. It’s currently one of the most desired eCommerce Cloud solutions.

As the industry continues to rapidly evolve, with constantly changing trends, emerging technologies, and new channels, innovative brands must have innovative tools.

This means investing in a modern eCommerce platform that is scalable, so that when those trends and changes occur, your business is poised to take advantage of them. Cloud solutions are key to this. 

The Oracle CX Cloud is a suite of cloud-based tools for everything from eCommerce to marketing, sales, customer service, CRM, and CPQ.

Consequently, the Cloud CX empowers businesses to focus on much-needed innovation, rather than the tedious (but necessary) aspects of platform maintenance, like upgrades, security measures, and integrations.

Oracle CX Commerce, often referred to as Oracle Commerce Cloud (OCC), is part of the Oracle Cloud CX.

It boosts online sales by creating innovative brand experiences. 

Oracle CX cloud graphic

10 Powerful Oracle CX Commerce Features

1. A Complete Solution

Oracle CX Commerce is incredibly scalable. A responsive, flexible, and modern eCommerce site can be completed in just a few weeks. 

Even better, because it’s part of the Oracle CX Cloud, it’s therefore part of a full suite of services. No more piecemeal solutions, this best-of-breed approach brings benefits to your internal teams and to your customers. It also has a common user interface, which is easier to learn and navigate.

Oracle CX Commerce builds websites or virtual storefronts via a template and other predesigned components. Take advantage of add-ons, like CPQ, Content Management, and Subscription Management.

2. Price Transparency

Replacing legacy platforms like ATF and Endeca, Oracle CX Commerce boasts transparent pricing, thanks to its SaaS structure. The core elements of a SaaS solution are agility and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). This means consistency in costs and no price fluctuations. 

Oracle even offers two pricing models to accommodate a larger variety of businesses. There is a revenue-share model as well as a usage pricing model that depends upon page views. They also allow you to scale up easily during peak seasons.

3. Out-of-the-Box Integrations

Oracle CX Commerce comes right out-of-the-box with a variety of capabilities and integrations, lowering costs and speeding up time to launch.

It’s designed for mobile-first experiences and optimizes images, layouts, etc. by device. It also has other integrated storefront extras, like product recommendations and A/B testing.

In fact, it’s the only enterprise commerce platform with native A/B testing capabilities. 

4. Extensive Storefront Features

As mentioned above, it includes numerous storefront features, such as SEO management, Promotions, Social Features, and much more.

It also supports 35 languages and 60 global currencies.

5. Meaningful Personalization

AI-driven personalization is combined with Adaptive Intelligent offers, which ensure your customers are seeing highly tailored and relevant products, content, and offers. 

6. Modern Architecture

While its Saas architecture ensures automatic updates, which keeps your platform modern and innovative, that’s just the beginning of its benefits.

Oracle CX Commerce is also designed as API-first/headless. This modern REST API architecture helps businesses integrate existing applications and develop new ones, all without changing backend systems.

7. Standard, Cloud Admin Tools

Oracle CX Commerce provides a web tech stack that is incredibly user-friendly. Its drag-and-drop format is included in the admin tools for easy web development. 

8. Secure Platform

Thanks to its modern SaaS, Oracle is exclusively responsible for almost all level of security operations. They are responsible for protecting your data, allowing you to focus on other things.

9. Support for B2B and B2C

Many platforms split their B2B and B2C services. Yet this often results in duplicated efforts and time unnecessarily spent maintaining two different infrastructures.

Unifying B2B and B2C is a game-changer, lowering cost, resulting in a single UI, shared data, content, layouts, and backend integrations. 

10. Creative Control

Oracle CX Commerce offers total creative control to enterprises. You can brand your site in any way you desire, helping your business to stand out.

The REST-based web service makes integrations easier, and the drag-and-drop tools allow you to swiftly change layouts. 

Wrapping It Up

Oracle CX Commerce is an innovative, nimble solution. Object Edge has extensive experience implementing the Oracle CX Suite, especially Oracle CX Commerce.

If you’re considering moving away from your legacy platform and would like to learn more, contact us today.

About the Author

Blue dotted circleSarah Falcon

Sarah Falcon

VP, Marketing Global

Sarah is a nimble and creative marketing leader with 15 years of experience in a mix of agencies, B2B, and B2C enterprises. She brings a background in building and driving impactful marketing practices and processes for growing businesses. Sarah has expertise in brand, content marketing, lead generation, and marketing operations. She’s a co-author of the 2019 book on B2B eCommerce Digital Branch Secrets: eCommerce Playbook for Distributors.

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