Exceptional innovations start with exceptional research.

We use research to understand your customers, create empathy, and inspire change.

Team of designers meeting for new project
Team of designers meeting for new project
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Research is critical in understanding and meeting your customers' needs, tendencies, and behaviors.

Research is the basis of the digital and experiential strategies that drive our UX work.

We leverage quantitative and qualitative research that generate deep insights into your business. From customer surveys to usability tests and  analytics, we build a portfolio of data that underpins our recommendations.

Our Insights Uncover:

  • Business demands
  • Market trends and opportunities
  • Customer expectations
  • Short and long-term roadmaps
  • User profiles and user flows
  • Tactical recommendations
  • Content optimization opportunities
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Start with a robust strategy to build an actionable roadmap.

Our strategies leverage research to ensure a clear direction for the next (or first) iteration of your digital experience.

We start with a strategy that’s the foundation for creating and measuring success. With a focus on profitability and growth, we identify key milestones that are aligned with measurable outcomes. These milestones become the guides for future decisions.

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Researched-based designs that deliver exceptional user experiences.

We organize information architecture and user pathways into intuitive hierarchies and functional page structures. With interactive prototypes and designs, we deliver clearly-defined interactions and touchpoints.

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User testing ensures that new experiences are functional, intuitive, and easy to use. It uncovers roadblocks and insights that inform business innovation.

We continuously engage with your end-users by creating participant panels and gathering feedback during research, design, and development phases. Our teams validate these insights pre and post-launch to ensure long-term viability.

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Analytics and data services uncover a wealth of information about your customers and how they interact with your business.

Our team puts data to work, using analytics and insights to craft new strategies and make data-based recommendations for improvement.

Our Process

Project Kick Off

Research design DXM process graphicResearch design DXM process graphic
case study

B2B Experience Design Innovation

Identifying Research-Based Business Opportunities

3 layers of case study pages

Our user experience team conducted extensive user research related to this global telecommunication company’s internal partner network and accompanying digital platform. Through data-driven research, testing, and partner interviews, we created an in-depth opportunities matrix with actionable steps this client could take to improve their partner experience.

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